Google’s Privacy Sandbox: Enhancing Web Privacy

Google Privacy Sandbox rollout for Chrome

Google has officially begun rolling out Privacy Sandbox to the bulk of its Chrome web browser users, roughly four months after announcing the intentions. “We believe it is critical to improve privacy while also preserving access to information, whether it’s news, a how-to guide, or a fun video,” said Anthony Chavez, Google’s vice president of … Read more

“Unlocking AI Potential: Oxford’s GPU-Accelerated LOB Simulator”

GPU-Accelerated LOB Simulator

Discover Oxford’s groundbreaking GPU-Accelerated LOB Simulator – JAX-LOB. Train AI models faster and smarter with financial data. An interdisciplinary research team from the University of Oxford recently created the first GPU-accelerated limit order book (LOB) simulator, JAX-LOB. Google’s JAX is a tool for training high-performance machine learning algorithms. It enables artificial intelligence (AI) models to … Read more