Apple Emergency Updates: Defend Yourself Against Pegasus Spyware Exploits

Apple Emergency Updates: Defending Against Pegasus Spyware Exploits

Discover the Apple Emergency Updates to Counter Pegasus Spyware Exploits On Thursday, Apple published critical security patches for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS to fix two zero-day holes that have been used to distribute mercenary spyware from NSO Group called Pegasus in the wild. The problems are listed below: CVE-2023-41061 – A validation flaw in … Read more

Sony Xperia 5 V launch confirmed for September 1; new announcement teaser reveals

Sony Xperia, Snapdragon

Sony Xperia 5 V launch confirmed for September 1; new announcement teaser reveals With the release of its promotional film, the Sony Xperia 5 V, rumored to be the follow-up to last year’s flagship model Sony Xperia 5 IV, has gained attention. The smartphone’s debut date has now been disclosed by the company. This will … Read more